A New Approach to Optical Staining and Light Interaction Analysis Using a LED Ring Light Epi-Illuminator
2024, Volume 71:3, pp. 113–126
Heidie Crutcher
The author aims to explore practical applications in light microscopy using the pre-programmed colors in the Microlab Northwest LED ring light epi-illuminator; designs for which were previously published in The Microscope. By modifying a microscopy technique first introduced in 1896 by Julius Rheinberg, it was possible to analyze the light scattering, light reflection, and light refraction properties of various samples, including four microscopic objects: plant hairs, phytoliths, feathers, and sand. Each sample exhibits unique light interactions. Thermally modified calcium oxalate phytoliths demonstrate the potential for optical staining of objects as small as 5 μm, while plant hairs and bird feathers highlight thickness-dependent light scattering. Sand exhibits a combination of light reflection, light scattering, and light refraction phenomena.