Guide for Authors
The Microscope publishes articles of original, previously unpublished, work from scientists and researchers, and also serves as the proceedings for the Inter/Micro conference held annually in Chicago. These papers are published quarterly as they are accepted.
Papers covering instrumentation, methods and unique applications of the microscope in any biological or physical science are appropriate for submission. Sufficient details of method and equipment should be given to enable another worker to repeat the work but generally known details which can be easily found in a cited paper, should be omitted. Write in the active rather than the passive voice. Use first person not third and do not use first person plural when first person singular is meant. All papers will be published in English. Letters to the Editor are welcome.
The manuscript should be singel sided and double-spaced. One copy of each figure suitable for reproduction and one recognizable copy should be submitted. A 100-200 word abstract and list of keywords must be provided. The paper should be divided into sections and subsections with appropriate titles for each.
Photographs should be on glossy paper and must have good contrast. Color illustrations will often be justified with the author’s financial cooperation. Photomicrographs should bear appropriate scale bars (fiducial markings) so that the final magnification of prints can be quickly and accurately determined. Rules for electronic submissions can be found at the bottom of this page.
References to earlier work should be cited and listed in numerical sequence. An Arabic numeral superscript should appear in the text at the proper point. The references should be typed on a separate sheet in sequence and in the form below. Use the ACS Style Guide
Acceptance of a submitted manuscript for publication is the responsibility of the publications committee of The Microscope and the editor and occurs only after review of the paper in accordance with the operating rules of the publications committee. Review of submitted manuscripts may be expected to be completed within 90 days.
Authors must submit as much of the publication in electronic format as possible. Hand drawn figures can be digitally reproduced at no additional cost. The list below indicates the accepted formats for text and graphics. If your system does not match any of these formats, the text should be saved as RTF (rich text format). Any questions about formats should be directed to the editor.
Accepable formats for Text:Microsoft Word (or compatible word-processing program)Rich Text Format
Acceptable formats for Images and Graphics (300 dpi):TIFJPG (non-lossy, uncompressed)
Authors may submit their manuscripts as multiple electronic files. Please supply a separate file for each of the following: Text — title, author(s) with affiliation and mailing address, abstract, keywords, text body, acknowledgments, references. Text — tables in a tabular format, including titles and footnotes.Text — figure captions.Image — submit each figure as a separate image file (TIF or JPG) at 300 dpi or large image file size (dimensions > 2,000 pixels). Each figure should include the figure number.
The author(s) of each article appearing in The Microscope journal is/are solely responsible for the content thereof; McCrone Research Institute, Inc., Microscope Publications, and the editors cannot be held responsible for opinions, errors, or for any consequences arising from the use of information contained in this journal. By submitting a manuscript to The Microscope, the author(s) warrant/warrants that the article is original or that the author(s) has/have written permission to use copyrighted material published elsewhere. While the contents of this journal are believed to be accurate at press time, neither the McCrone Research Institute, Inc., the editors, nor the authors can accept legal responsibility for errors or omissions. The appearance of advertising in The Microscope does not constitute an endorsement or approval by McCrone Research Institute, Inc. of any claims or information found in the advertisements.